EruditeShare Tunes








Listen to Radio & Earn Money!

Listen to your favorite radio stations and earn money while you enjoy great music, talk shows, and more. Join the community of audience who are turning their love for radio and music into a rewarding experience.

How it works (for Listeners):

  1. Sign Up - Create your free account in minutes.
  2. Tune In - Tune in to a variety of radio stations.
  3. Watch - Watch and click a variety of advert banners on radio station.
  4. Earn - Accumulate cash for every banner you click, every website you visit and referral commissions, which is withdrawn to your bank account.

How it works (for Advertisers):

  1. Sign Up - Create your free account in minutes.
  2. Post - Post your banner adverts to multiple radio stations worldwide to engage thousand of audience for as low as ₦500 ($0.30)
  3. Traffic - Pull unprecedented traffic to your website for as low price at ₦5 ($0.0030)
  4. Monitor - Watch as thousands of audience engage your adverts and contacting you.
  5. Feedback - Receive feedback directly from and messaging your target audience.

The opportunity to earn and publish advert banner is available to worldwide audience. Sign Up Now!